Yinqian Zhang (张殷乾)


Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research Institute of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (RITAS)
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
Email: yinqianz at acm dot org

My research lab has multiple openings for Research Associate/Assistant Professors, Post-doctoral Researchers, Research/Software Engineers, Research Assistants, Research Interns, please drop me an email for more information. For Ph.D. and Master applicants, please visit the website of SUSTech graduate school and contact me.

Short Bios

I am a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SUSTech and director of the Information Security Research Center at RITAS and TeeCert Labs of SUSTech. Before joining SUSTech in 2021, I was an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Ohio State University, where I started my academic career in 2015 and got promoted to tenured Associate Professor in 2019. I received my Ph.D. degree from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill adviced by Prof. Michael K. Reiter. My research interest lies in the security of computer systems. My current research focus is the security and applications of confidentail computing and trusted execution environments, which broadly involves research on hardware vulnerabilities, microarchitectural side channels, operating systems and virtualization, program analysis, formal verification, crypto protocol design and analysis, blockchain and decentralized computing, machine learning, etc.


Honors and Awards

Professional Services

TPC Chairs:

TPC Area/Track Chairs
Journal Editors
Conference Steering Committee
TPC Members:

Members of Teecert Labs:

Research Assistant Professor:


Ph.D. Students:

Master Students:

Visiting Students:

Research Assistants & Interns:
